Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Sejarah Lengkap Tentang Bedug | Sambil Takbiran Yuk

Sejarah Lengkap Tentang BedugBedug sering dikaitkan dengan proses pemanggilan para kaum muslimin untuk segera shalat berjamaah di mesjid, setelah bedug di pukul dengan ritme yang selaras, kemudian suara adzan menggema di seluruh jagad raya. selain itu malam lebaran, baik itu lebaran Idul Fitri maupun Lebaran Idul Adha, suara bedug menggema selaras dengan suara takbir yang berkumandang.

bedug sendiri ada juga yang menyatakan bahwa bedug itu berasal dari adat china, adanya Bedug dikaitkan dengan ekspedisi pasukan Cheng Ho abad ke-15. Laksamana utusan kekaisaran Ming yang Muslim itu menginginkan suara bedug di masjid-masjid, seperti halnya penggunaan alat serupa di kuil-kuil Budha di Cina. Ada pula pendapat bedug berasal dari tradisi drum Cina yang menyebar ke Asia Timur, kemudian masuk Nusantara. 

Namun menurut Drs M Dwi Cahyono, arkeolog dari Universitas Negeri Malang yang melakukan studi bedug di Jawa bersama tim Sampoerna Hijau, pada masa prasejarah, nenek moyang kita juga sudah mengenal nekara dan moko, sejenis genderang dari perunggu. Pemakaiannya berhubungan dengan religi minta hujan.
Kata Bedug juga sudah disinggung dalam kidung Malat, sebuah karya sastra berbentuk kidung. Susastra kidung berisi cerita-cerita panji. Umunya ditulis pada zaman Mahapahit, dari kurun waktu abad ke 14-16 Masehi. Dalam Kidung Malat dijelaskan, instrumen musik membrafaon bedug dibedakan antara bedug besar yang diberi nama teg-teg dengan bedug ukuran biasa. 

Bedug pada masa itu berfungsi sebagai alat komunikasi dan penanda waktu seperti perang, bencana alam, atau hal mendesak lainnya. Dibunyikan pula untuk menandai tibanya waktu. Maka ada istilah dalam bahasa Jawa: wis wanci keteg. Artinya ”sudah waktu siang” yang diambil dari waktu saat tegteg dibunyikan.
Cornelis De Houtman dalam catatan perjalanannya D’eerste Boek menjadi saksi keberadaan bedug yang sudah meluas pada abad ke-16. Ketika komandan ekspedisi Belanda itu tiba di Banten, ia menggambarkan di setiap perempatan jalan terdapat genderang yang digantung dan dibunyikan memakai tongkat pemukul yang ditempatkan di sebelahnya. Fungsinya sebagai tanda bahaya dan penanda waktu. Kesaksian ini jelas menunjuk pada bedug. 

Kendati demikian, pengaruh Cina pun tidak dinafikan. Ditilik dari sisi konstruksi, teknik pemasangan tali/pasak untuk merekatkan selaput getar ke resonator pada bedug Jawa, mirip pada cara yang digunakan pada bedug di Asia Timur seperti Jepang, Cina, atau Korea. Bukti lain terlihat pada penampilan arca terakota yang ditemukan di situs Trowulan. Arca-arca prajurit berwajah Mongoloid itu tampak menabuh tabang-tabang, sejenis genderang yang terpengaruh budaya timur tengah. Kemungkinannya itulah instrumen musik yang dimainkan orang-orang Cina Muslim di ibukota Majapahit. 

Menariknya, tabang-tabang sebenarnya merupakan instrumen musik yang sudah ada sejak masa Hindu-Budha. Di dalamnya ada pengaruh kuat dari India dan budaya Semit beragama Islam. Namun diperkenalkan dan dimainkan oleh masyarakat Cina Muslim. 

Jadi, bedug bisa dikatakan contoh perwujudan akulturasi budaya waditra (instrumen musik membrafon, di mana secara fisiografis terjadi perpaduan antara waditra membrafon etnik Nusantara dengan wadistra sejenis dari luar seperti India, Cina, dan Timur Tengah. 

Pada Muktamar NU ke-11 di Banjarmasin Kalimanatan Selatan 1936 kembali mengukuhkan penggunaan Beduk dan kentongan, bahwa pemakaian kedua alat tersebut di masjid-masjid sangat diperlukan untuk memperbesar syiar Islam. Dengan adanya keputusan itu serangan Islam modernis bisa dieliminir, dan tradisi pemakaian beduk terus dipertahankan. 

Pada masa orde baru ketika organisasi NU mulai ditekan sementara Islam modernis mulai mendapat tempat, maka ”debedukisasi” dilakukan, sehingga banyak beduk-beduk bersejarah yang hilang dan sebagian besar digudangkan. Kemudian dikembangkan program speakerisasi, sehingga hampir tiap masjid yang sudah dihilangkan beduknya diganti dengan memasang speaker di menara atau di kubah. Hanya dilingkungan masjid Nu dan kelompok Islam bermazhab seperti Perti, Al Washliyah, Mathlaul Anwar dan sebagainya, atau mesjid yang belum diambil oleh kelompok Islam modernis tetap memakai beduk. Hal itu menadji petanda masjid yang dikelola oleh Islam bermazhab dengan Islam modernis yang tidak bermazhab.

Wikipedia Berbicara tentang Bedug :

Bedug adalah alat musik tabuh seperti gendang. Bedug merupakan instrumen musik tradisional yang telah digunakan sejak ribuan tahun lalu, yang memiliki fungsi sebagai alat komunikasi tradisional, baik dalam kegiatan ritual keagamaan maupun politik. Di Indonesia, sebuah bedug biasa dibunyikan untuk pemberitahuan mengenai waktu salat atau sembahyang. Bedug terbuat dari sepotong batang kayu besar atau pohon enau sepanjang kira-kira satu meter atau lebih. Bagian tengah batang dilubangi sehingga berbentuk tabung besar. Ujung batang yang berukuran lebih besar ditutup dengan kulit binatang yang berfungsi sebagai membran atau selaput gendang. Bila ditabuh, bedug menimbulkan suara berat, bernada khas, rendah, tetapi dapat terdengar sampai jarak yang cukup jauh.

Sejarah Bedug

Bedug sebenarnya berasal dari India dan Cina. Berdasarkan legenda Cheng Ho dari Cina, ketika ketika Laksamana Cheng Ho datang ke Semarang, mereka disambut baik oleh Raja Jawa pada masa itu. Kemudian, ketika Cheng Ho hendak pergi, dan hendak memberikan hadiah, raja dari Semarang mengatakan bahwa dirinya hanya ingin mendengarkan suara bedug dari masjid. Sejak itulah, bedug kemudian menjadi bagian dari masjid, seperti di negara Cina, Korea dan Jepang, yang memposisikan bedug di kuil-kuil sebagai alat komunikasi ritual keagamaan. Di Indonesia, sebuah bedug biasa dibunyikan untuk pemberitahuan mengani waktu salat atau sembahyang. Saat Orba berkuasa bedug pernah dikeluarkan dari surau dan mesjid karena mengandung unsur-unsur non-Islam. Bedug digantikan oleh pengeras suara. Hal itu dilakukan oleh kaum Islam modernis, namun warga NU melakukan perlawanan sehingga sampai sekarang dapat terlihat masih banyak masjid yang mempertahankan bedug.

Fungsi bedug
  • Fungsi sosial : bedug berfungsi sebagai alat komunikasi atau petanda kegiatan masyarakat, mulai dari ibadah, petanda bahaya, hingga petanda berkumpulnya sebuah komunitas.

  • Fungsi estetika : bedug berfungsi dalam pengembangan dunia kreatif, konsep, dan budaya material musikal.

Cara pembuatan bedug sederhana

Pada awalnya, kambing atau sapi dikuliti. Kulit hewan yang biasa dibuat sebagai bahan baku bedug antara lain kulit kambing, sapi, kerbau, dan banteng. Kulit sapi putih memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kulit sapi coklat. Sebab, kulit sapi putih lebih tebal daripada kulit sapi coklat, sehingga bunyi yang dihasilkannya akan berbeda disamping, keawetannya yang lebih rendah. Kemudian, kulit tersebut direndam ke dalam air detergen sekitar 5-10 menit. Jangan terlalu lama agar tidak rusak. Lalu, kulit dijemur dengan cara dipanteng (digelar) supaya tidak mengerut. Setelah kering, diukur diameter kayu yang sudah dicat dan akan dibuat bedug. Seteleh selesai diukur, kulit tersebut dipasangkan pada kayu bonggol kayu yang sudah disiapkan. Proses penyatuan kulit hewan dengan kayu dilakukan dengan paku dan beberapa tali-temali.

Permainan Bedug (Seni Ngadulag)

Seni ngadulag berasal dari daerah Jawa Barat. Pada dasarnya, bedug memiliki fungsi yang sama seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya. Namun, tabuhan bedug di tiap-tiap daerah memiliki perbedaan dengan daerah lainnya, sehingga menjadikannya khas. Sehingga lahirlah sebuah istilah “Ngadulag” yang menunjuk pada sebuah keterampilan menabuh bedug. Kini keterampilan menabuh bedug telah menjadi bentuk seni yang mandiri yaitu seni Ngadulag (permainan bedug). Di daerah Bojonglopang, Sukabumi, seni ngadulag telah menjadi sebuah kompetisi untuk mendapatkan penabuh bedug terbaik. Kompetisi terbagi menjadi 2 kategori, yaitu keindahan dan ketahanan. Keindahan mengutamakan irama dan ritme tabuhan bedug, sedangkan ketahanan mengutamakan daya tahan menabuh atau seberapa lama kekuatan menabuh bedug. Kompetisi ini diikuti oleh laki-laki dan perempuan. Dari permainan inilah seni menabuh bedug mengalami perkembangan. Dahulu, peralatan seni menabuh bedug hanya terdiri dari bedug, kohkol, dan terompet. Tapi kini peralatannya pun mengalami perkembangan. Selain yang telah disebutkan di atas, menabuh bedug kini juga dilengkapi dengan alat-alat musik seperti gitar, keyboard, dan simbal.

Bedug terbesar di dunia

Bedug terbesar di dunia berada di dalam Masjid Darul Muttaqien, Purworejo. Bedug ini merupakan karya besar umat Islam yang pembuatannya diperintahkan oleh Adipati Tjokronagoro I, Bupati Purworejo pertama. dibuat pada tahun 1762 Jawa atau 1834 M. Dan diberi nama Kyai Begelan. Ukuran atau spesifikasi bedug ini adalah : Panjang 292 cm, keliling bagian depan 601 cm, keliling bagian belakang 564 cm, diameter bagian depan 194 cm, diameter bagian belakang 180 cm. Bagian yang ditabuh dari bedug ini dibuat dari kulit banteng. Bedug raksasa ini dirancang sebagai “sarana komunikasi” untuk mengundang jamaah hingga terdengar sejauh-jauhnya lewat tabuhan bedug sebagai tanda waktu salat menjelang adzan dikumandangkan.

Referrensi : 


Tagging : sejarah bedug, asal muasal bedug, manfaat bedug, tujuan bedug, guna bedug, cara membuat bedug

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Agar Adsense Dapat Tampil di Blog Bahasa Indonesia

Trik Jitu Agar Iklan Adsense Dapat Tampil di Blog

Sebelum menentukan posting tentang cara baru,Agar Iklan Google Adsense Tampil di Blog Indonesia ini,sebenarnya niat sebelumnya,Pelajaran Blog adalah bagi-bagi informasi 'bagaimana mendapat iklan adsense for content dalam adsense berbahasa indonesia dan optimasinya'.

Namun karena masalah kali ini adalah complicated (halah,sok pake bahasa bule si ya?he),so terpaksa penulis menunda posting tersebut dan lebih memilih 'cara memasang Google AdSense agar bisa tampil di blog Indonesia' yang akan menjadi tema dan judul posting kali ini.

Tips Jitu Menampilkan Iklan Adsense di Blog Berbahasa Indonesia

Langkahnya mudah gan,inilah rincian langkah bagaimana agar iklan adsense yang kita miliki dapat tampil di blog berbahasa Indonesia:

1.Pergilah ke Akun Google Friend Connect

2.Tambahkan Situs /Blog Baru yang akan Diletakkan Iklan Adsense

3.Konfigurasi Akun Google Adsense

4.Tentukan Ukuran dan Jenis Iklan

5.Dapatkan Kode Adsense untuk Blog Bahasa Indonesia :D

Pergilah ke Akun Google Friend Connect

Jika sobat belum memiliki akses ke Google Friend Connet atau dalam bahasa indonesia adalah Google Jalinan Teman ini,sebaiknya langsung aktifkan ya,silakan klik di sini.

Tambahkan Situs /Blog Baru yang akan Diletakkan Iklan Adsense

Nah,jika sobat sudah berada disana,silakan agan klik tulisan 'Tambahkan Situs Baru' (dalam bahasa indonesia pent-) pada sisi sebelah kiri.

Trik Adsense Muncul di Web/Blog Bahasa Indonesia

Dan akan keluar form seperti ini,maka isi pada dropdown bahasa pilihlah bahasa indonesia:

cara memasang iklan adsense di blog indonesia biar muncul terus.

Isilah form tersebut sesuai dengan permintaan yang salah satunya adalah mengisi alamat blog anda yang berbahasa indonesia.

Jika berhasil maka akan muncul pemberitahuan seperti gambar dibawah ini:

Menampilkan iklan Link Google Adsense di Blog Bahasa Indonesia.

Konfigurasi Akun Google Adsense

Jika memang sobat sudah memiliki akun adsense nanti akan secara otomatis akan tampiul email terkait,dan klik tombol tersebut untuk mengaitkan dan mengkonfigurasinya,lihat gambar gan:

Supaya Adsense Bisa Muncul Di Website Berbahasa Indonesia.

Jika sudah berhasil,maka nanti akan keluar pemberitahuan dan sobat sudah siap mengkonfigurasi iklan adsense yang dikehendaki.

Tentukan Ukuran dan Jenis Iklan

Seperti yang sudah saya katakan sob,jika berhasil nanti akan keluar pemberitahuan seperti ini dan sobat sudah dapat menentukan iklan maupun ukuran iklan adsense yang sobat kehendaki.

Cara Legal Memasang Adsense di Blog Berbahasa Indonesia.

Dapatkan Kode Adsense untuk Blog Bahasa Indonesia

Nah pada bagian inilah kode iklan adsense yang support dalam bahasa indonesia telah kita dapatkan,lihat gambar sob:

Bagaimana Membuat Iklan Adsense Muncul di Blog Berbahasa Indonesia.

Sobat klik tombol 'Kode' seperti gambar diatas dan tinggal copy paste aja kodenya dan letakkan di widget blog yang agan miliki :D

Mudah,jelas,singkat dan padat ya gan :D (emang @#%@#%...)

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Trik Mendapat Backlink Google PR 8

google oh google, begitu banyak rahasia yang aku belum tahu tentang kamu, wkwkwk,,, kayak puisi aja jadinya,,,wkwk,,, ternyata google juga menyediakan backlink gratis untuk para blogger dan webmaster.

biasanya kalau blogger kan nyari backlink itu ngasih komentar di blog2 ber PR tinggi, nah ini ada trik ngasih komentar di situs PR 8, situs apa sih ? situs Google langsung cuuuyyyy,,,woooowwww,,,kok bisa sih?

sebenarnya bukan ngasih komentar, karena situs google sendiri tidak menyediakan kolom komentar untuk para visitor,,jadi keliling dunia pun gak bakal ada kolom komentarnya,,,mungkin google takut kena serangan spammer dan anonim kali ya,,hehe,,takut di kritik peddess,,,wkwkwk,,, (memangnya google itu blog ya? atau Website? atau hanya robot? cari tau sendiri jawabannya,,,wkwkwk)

mungkin langsung aja, tanpa disadari kita sebenarnya sudah berusaha mencari backlink di google, ketika kita mendaftarkan blog kita ke webmaster tool, pasti kita menautkan link kan? nah sebenarnya kalo menurut aku pribadi, itu sudah usaha mencari backlink dari google, tapi entahlah sistem dan metode di webmaster itu seperti apa, kalau sekarang ada cara lain menautkan link kita di dalam tubuh google,, bener gak ya? coba-coba aja deh sob, gak repot juga dan gak ada ruginya.

caranya mudah, tentu kamu punya akun google kan, nah disitulah kamu akan menancapkan link kamu, caranya begini :
  1. masuk ke link ini

  2. kalau belum login, login lah dulu pakai email dan password kamu 

  3. akan muncul halaman Google profil atau halaman identitas diri kalo aku bilang mah

  4. kamu tidak perlu mengisi seluruh kolom yang ada disana, yang diperlukan hanya menautkan link, itu saja (kalau kamu rajin, diisi juga gak papa sih,,wkwk)

  5. kamu bisa menautkan link di kolom diskripsi, atau kolom penggambaran diri

  6. simpan

gimana, simpel kan, semoga saja cepat mendapat backlink sob. !

tagging : cara mendapatkan backlink, backlink Pagerank 8, PR 8, backlink gratis, backlink google, trik jitu mendapat backlink, pagerank 8, 8/10

Tips Mudik Aman Berkendaraan

Tips Mudik Aman Berkendaraanayooooo,,, sebentar lagi lebaran, siapa yang tahun ini mau mudik pakai kendaraan? aku punya Tips Mudik Aman Berkendaraan versi Blogger Katro, yuk dibaca dan dilaksanakan dengan baik :

  1. servis sepeda motor : bilang aja sama tukang bengkelnya, bahwa kamu mau menempuh perjalanan jauh, pasti tukang bengkelnya udah paham betul apa saja yang harus di servis, kalau tukang bengkelnya masih bertanya juga "Apanya yang Mau di Servis?" nih tukang bengkel gadungan, atau baru belajar, jadi cari bengkel lainnya aja,,wkwkwk,,, (saran : pergilah ke tempat servis resmi motor kamu!)

  2. jangan membawa barang berlebihan : kamu jangan terlalu membawa banyak barang, usahakan 1 tas sudah cukup, kenapa? karena barang tersebut akan mengganggu dalam perjalanan. misalnya tas kamu berupa koper, letakkan di bagian belakang sepeda motor dan ikat dengan kuat. Kulkas, TV, Lemari, Ricecooker, semua barang seperti itu tinggal saja, memangnya mau pindah rumah,,wkwkwk...

  3. Jangan membawa lebih dari satu orang/penumpang : maksudnya kalo kamu sudah punya isteri dan 2 orang anak, sebaiknya mudik pakai transportasi lain seperti mobil, karena roda dua sangat berbahaya dan rentan sekali, lagi pula kasihan anak kecil, karena bisa sakit akibat angin di perjalanan.

  4. Jangan Tinggalkan Isteri sendirian di rumah : kalo kamu sudah punya isteri, tapi belum punya anak, ajak isteri kamu dan jangan ditinggal sendirian dirumah,,bahaya bos,,wkwkwk,,,

  5. Kunci Rumah dan Matikan Listrik serta Kompor : rumahku adalah surgaku, jadi kamu gak mau kan surga itu hilang di ambil orang,,,hehe,,becanda,, maksudnya gini,, momen mudik ini adalah incaran para maling, karena rumah banyak yang ditinggal mudik oleh para penghuninya. nah jadi jangan sampai lupa untuk menutup dan mengunci rumah dengan mantap, dan jangan lupa mematikan listrik dan kompor karena bahaya jika lupa.

  6. terakhir jangan lupa berdoa dan tawakkal: wah, kalau sudah ikhtiar (berusaha), langkah selanjutnya adalah tawakkal (pasrah), jangan lupa baca doa sebelum keluar rumah, semuanya pasti sudah hapal,,,hehe,,,atau doa apa saja demi keselamatan dalam perjalanan.

  7. jangan lupa pakai jaket dan helm : jaket dan helm adalah safety atau pengaman, disamping sebagai pelindung kita dari panas dan angin dalam perjalanan.

  8. bawa SIM, STNK dan KTP : wah, ini penting banget, apalagi di moment mudik, banyak razia,,hehe

  9. berstirahatlah jika lelah : namanya juga manusia, kondisi tidak selamanya fit, tidak selamanya bugar, apalagi dalam perjalanan jauh, beristirahatlah di tempat-tempat yang nyaman dan aman, jangan dipaksakan, kalau lapar makanlah dan kalau haus minumlah,,,hehe,,,bagi yang tidak kuat berpuasa, diperbolehkan untuk berbuka,,,ingat orang di kampung halaman menanti kamu, jadi jangan nekat

mungkin itu saja Tips Mudik Aman Berkendaraan Versi Blogger Katro , semoga yang mudik selamat sampai tujuan dan bisa pulang kembali kerumah tanpa kurang suatu apapun, selamat mudik 2011 :D

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Tradisi Tanglong pada Malam 21 Ramadhan - Malam Selikuran di Banjarmasin

Tradisi Tanglong pada Malam 21 Ramadhan - Malam Selikuran di Banjarmasin
Izin Sedot Foto Hunting Bang Aziz (Blogger Banua)
Tradisi tanglong di Kal-Sel muncul sejak masuknya agama Islam di kota Banjarmasin, dulu namanya bukan tanglong melainkan badadamaran yang artinya menyalakan lampu dari getah pohon damar, namun semakin langkanya getah damar maka berganti dengan lampu-lampu yang terbuat dari sumbu dan botol sirup yang dipajang dihalaman rumah sejak malam ke 21 ramadhan sampai malam lebaran, sebab umat Islam meyakini bahwa Allah menurunkan malam seribu bulan-Nya (Lailatu Qadar) pada malam-malam ganjil 10 hari terakhir berpuasa.

Semakin maju zaman, sekarang tidak nampak lagi lampu-lampu tradisional terbuat dari sumbu dan botol sirup, melainkan sudah memakai lampion-lampion raksasa yang dihias dengan bentuk yang mencerminkan lambang keislaman seperti masjid, ka’bah, dan lainnya, inilah yang disebut tanglong.

Biasanya Tanglong itu dirayakan tidak hanya dengan mengadakan festival lampu Hias (Tanglong) saja, tetapi juga dengan arak-arakan model orang membangunkan sahur (bagarakan Sahur) "sahur-sahur-sahur-sahur" tentu dengan cara yang berbeda masing-masing kelompok, tergantung kreatifitas.

Untuk tahun ini lomba yang diadakan di Banjarmasin tidak beda dengan tahun kemarin yaitu lomba Tanglong (Lampu Hias) dan Arak-arakan Sahur serta Lomba Fotografi dengan Tema yang sama.

Aku hanya berharap, semoga tradisi ini semakin tahun semakin meriah. tentu semua pihak harus ikut berpartisipasi dalam meramaikannya, berbagai macam lomba yang diadakan sudah tentu membuat acara ini semakin semarak, apalagi hadiahnya menggoda,,hehe,,,

Tagging : tradisi tanglong, lampu hias, bagarakan sahur, tanglong banjarmasin, lomba fotografi banjarmasin, tradisi malam selikuran, malam selikuran di banjarmasin, malam lailatul qadar, tradisi malam 21, malam 21 ramadhan, malam 21 ramadhan di Banjarmasin.

Pasang Widget Pingler Model Slide Lipatan Kertas

sebelu memasang widget ini, alangkah lebih baiknya jika kita tahu apa dan manfaat ping ?

Apa itu ping ?

Ping (kadangkala disebut sebagai singkatan dari Packet Internet Gopher) adalah sebuah program utilitas yang dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa konektivitas jaringan berbasis teknologi Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Dengan menggunakan utilitas ini, dapat diuji apakah sebuah komputer terhubung dengan komputer lainnya. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengirim sebuah paket kepada alamat IP yang hendak diujicoba konektivitasnya dan menunggu respon darinya.

Ping Menurut Aku !
Ping adalah suatu robot virtual yang kerjanya menjemput dan menyebarkan artikel/postingan kita keberbagai media submit seperti google, bing, yahoo, ask dan berbagai media/ search engine lainnya
Apa Manfaat Ping ?

Dari pengertian Ping di atas sepertinya sudah sangat jelas tentang manfaat Ping, atau kalau belum jelas seperti ini "maukah artikel atau postingan yang sudah kalian tulis susah payah, tidak terindex di google? tentu tidak mau kan, nah disinilah fungsi ping, yaitu mempercepat artikel atau postingan yang sudah kita publikasikan itu terindex di mesin pencari"

lalu bagaimana kita melakukan proses ping?

PinglerBanyak cara yang bisa digunakan, salah satunya yaitu dengan mengunjungi dan melakukan proses ping di, disana kalian akan diminta untuk memasukkan link blog kalian, selain itu, kita juga bisa memasang widget pingler ini di blog, fungsi dan penerapan proses nge-ping nya sama saja, namun pemasangn widget ini lebih mengefisienkan waktu, tanpa susah lagi mengtik situs itu, kita tinggal klik dan langsung masuk deh, dan juga widget ini mempercantik tampilan blog kalian, efek slide lipatan kertas yang bergerak seperti tertiup angin, wooowww deh pokoknya, kalo bingung, lihat aja gambarnya,,hehe,,

caranya sangat mudah:

  1. masuk menu dasbor

  2. add gadget

  3. copy kode di bawah

  4. paste di kolom gadget

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Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

The Conveniences Of A Polished Concrete

Polished concrete flooring is becoming the trend not only in business establishments but also in regular houses today. This is because this type of flooring not only gives out an amazing effect but also has a very high durability. As opposed to regular cement floors, this kind of flooring has more advantages and requires little effort in its maintenance.

Polished concrete is a type of concrete treated with a densifier and ground with grinding tools. The chemical densifier acts as a sealing agent on the surface of the floor so that it will be less permeable to liquid and moisture. Cemented floor by nature is a porous material. It contains pores that are due to moisture evaporation and these microscopic holes interfere with the uniformity of the surface. The densifier fills out these pores to even out the surface of the floor. Moreover, it makes the flooring stronger and enables it to achieve a better shine.

The major factor that gained polished concrete its popularity is the advantages it offers. As opposed to other flooring alternatives, it is very sustainable. You will not need to exert tremendous labor and to spend a lot just to polish your floor. Polishing a floor does not require the replacement of an old floor but rather make use of the materials that are already present. For a floor to be refined, it just needs to undergo grinding and coating with floor densifiers.

Another advantage brought about by polished concrete is it maximizes ambient lighting. Floors that are well shined admirably reflect light thus giving a building a brighter interior. This advantage makes minimal need for overhead lights. Moreover, the high visibility and glow inside a building gives it a sense of cleanliness, elegance, and prestige.

Further, keeping its gloss and shine takes minimal expense and little sweat. It is a low-maintenance option compared to other flooring alternatives. Polished concrete is highly resistant to scratches and is not prone to mold growth. It is also resistant to wearing and cavities because it does not chip off or dent. This factor is said to lessen the chance of having dust mites and allergens in your floors. Moreover, it does not require waxing to maintain its mirror-like finish. All it takes is dusting and mopping at least once a week.

Maintaining the shine of this refined flooring is easy. With basic cleaning such as mopping it with warm soapy water, you can retain its luster for years. In some cases, you can also opt to use commercial polishing agents. Special cleaners produced by manufacturers offer cleaning results that not only remove dusts and stains but also leave a thin scratch-resistant layer that further intensifies your floor's durability.

On the other hand, for floors that covers a wide surface area like in commercial buildings and shopping malls, buffing machines may be employed to save time. Modern buffing machines are manufactured with diamonds in their grits thus they are able to polish floors back to its original shine with ease.

polished concrete is the best option over regular flooring alternatives. It has the advantages and benefits that outweigh any solution for flooring aesthetics. But more than that, it can be acquired without replacing your floor and with a very reasonable price. A well shined concrete give out the beauty and elegance that can last a lifetime.

tagging : home,shopping,improvement,design,repair,family,society,investment,industrial,real estate,business,budget,technology,computers, internet, computers

Analysis of Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac

Microsoft Excel 2011 is a new version of Excel for Mac. It represents a dramatic shift in terms of user interface and also in numerous features. Excel 2011 is a big jump forward for Excel on Mac and represents arguably the best application for making and modifying spreadsheets on the Mac platform. There are literally hundreds of improvements that make it worth for you to change from the older versions,eg Excel 2004 or Excel 2008 for Mac.

Professional users will be delighted to find that Macro are again supported by Microsoft Excel for Mac. The very first thing that you realize when you try new Excel 2011 is that it's totally different than the previous versions. The design has been fully transformed, famous floating toolbars and formatting palette are gone. There are just two toolbars, standard and formatting and Ribbon.

Fundamentally Excel 2011 looks much like Microsoft Excel 2007 for Windows. You can customise or maybe hide Ribbon. It changes to match the task to hand if you're doing word-processign it'll show you options more helpful for that task. Creating documents in Excel is very easy, for instance if you double click a picture the application will instantly show you options for image revising. Ribbon and toolbars are now integrated into each Excel windows, so there is little floating around. Overall, it may be said that Excel 2011 offers amazing user interface, it is extremely easy to use and efficient.

Microsoft Excel 2011 comes as part of Microsoft Office selection of word-processing applications. You can download free Microsoft Office as 30 day test version.

A vital improvement in Excel 2011 is definitely sparklines which are little and simple graphs contained within a single field in a table. These are good for representing a trend in a basic, but effective way.

tagging : microsoft office, microsoft excel, computers,

Wish To Know Why Your PC Is Running So Slow? Need Help?

It happens to each computer. One day you detect that it's running slower than it used to, applications are taking more time to load and games and programs are not working as well as they are intended to. Resetting you computer may help for some time, but it may finish up being a transient solution. Your computer will continue to run slower and slower no matter how many times you reboot. Before you can solve the problem, you first have to grasp what may be causing it.

An Overloaded Registry

The computer's registry keeps an eye on the crucial data in relation to system hardware, the programs you've got installed and the settings which you have configured. When you press a key, adjust a setting, change the resolution of your monitor and install or re-install a application your registry makes note of it. The more data the registry has to record, the longer it's going to take your PC to start up. Some files may even commence to have difficulties with freezing when you attempt to open or close them. A basic regclean or registry cleanup tool can help manage the issues that may exist. There is not any reason for you to go into the Windows registry for a manual cleaning. If something were to go wrong you may wind up having to reload your entire operating software, a lengthy and often infuriating task for people who may not be acquainted with computer systems. In preference to taking the gamble of a catastrophe happening, simply search for a regclean tool online. Many software sites will offer you a registry cleanup tool for free download. Do not forget to double check before downloading anything and make certain that the app you're going to be picking is one that will definitely work with your PC.

Halting Bother Before It Transpires

You shouldn't forget to guard your personal computer against foreign viruses and malware by getting a security program for your PC. These viruses can wreak havok with your computer's registry as well as causing mistakes in your software. Virus protection programs not only shield your computer against viruses, they also perform a regular scan of your PC to go looking for concealed hazards. When they are finished scanning they are going to inform you of any threats or hazards they've found, and you'll then be well placed to delete any pointless or deadly files. Having one of those programs, along with a regclean software application, can help to keep your PC safe and working well.

Further Causes For A Slow Computer

Any data imperative by a application to perform its functions should be put together in the same area of the computer system. If these files become scattered, the application will have to spend more time scanning the necessary data it necessities to operate, which might in turn cause slow loading and slow running. If your data has become unorganized consider running defrag on your computer. Defrag stands for defragment. In time files on your hard disk become fragmented. When files become fragmented the computer system has to use resources to hunt for files on the disk & this makes the machine run a lot slower. A defrag will bring related files together and help your personal computer to run more efficiently. Between a virus protection app and a regular regclean, you really should find your computer running better and safer.

Tagging : regclean,clean my pc,clean registry,registry,registry clean,registry fix, computers

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

World of Warcraft Leveling guide: Speedy Tips and Methods

You may have oftentimes wondered as to exactly how to level with World of Warcraft fast enough, while not having to squander your precious time on the hows and whys of the game. Thus, you will be pleased to find out that, like every alternative game, WoW too has techniques and tricks; one merely needs to know how and when to apply them.

World of Warcraft Leveling Guide:

- The first and foremost stage is deciding on the best profession. The most suitable professions for novices are Mining and Alchemy, as these two professions are such that they tend not to require any specific expertise, and give you instant rewards.

- Picking Herbalism for a Companion Ability aids you in obtaining and accumulating ingredients that are required for developing magical potions. If you do not possess this ability, you will be incapable to put together a potion even if you have all the right ingredients.

- The searching of herbs might be done manually, but it's more convenient and much less time consuming if you just hit on the "P" button, which will present your character's abilities, and then click on the Herbalism Button. This feature highlights any important/useful herbs in your locality by presenting a small, yellow dot on your map. Your characters could go to anywhere these dots appear, and gather the herbs that it needs.

- Producing potions is not an effortless task for newcomers. Avoid using innovative mixtures, because they require a high level of experience to concoct. Always start with the easiest of options available: grey is pretty simple, while green is a little more difficult. The red is the most difficult, even though we recognize that the harder concoctions score us more points.

- Herbalists really should farm in the Swamp of Sorrows. Whatever you grow there will not be sold for anything less than one gold piece.

- You should always attempt selling raw supplies in place of finished goods at the General public sale Home. Since crafters purchase raw materials to create their goods, raw supplies will always be in more demand, effecting more sales for you.

- Get as many quests as possible. This grants you a lot of experience points, as well as armours, weapons, gold etc.

- Try out having a game system ready before logging in; if you comprehend what you're doing, you level up quickly without wasting any of your valuable time.

- Try a blend of grinding and questing. Either one of them might possibly slow down your progress, but as a combo, these two can help you achieve levels more quickly.

- It's kind of stating the obvious, but refrain from killing mobs that are too high of a level for you, else your character might end up dead. Dying repeatedly only slows down your development.

- Make sure you read your quest log thoroughly. Most of the times, your unanswered questions will find their explanations there. Saves you a lot of time.

Of course, these ideas are mere guidelines. How YOU execute them is what matters in the end. Remember that the game has 70 levels, and it WILL take some time to arrive at that level. But don't stress. Play this game frequently enough, and soon you'll be coming up with your own tricks and tips on how to level up fast!

world of warcraft leveling guide, world of warcraft leveling guides, world of warcraft, online gaming, games

Learn To Improve Your Mind and Outlook For Online Business Achievement

You have to work on many tasks and components with your online business, and your mindset is perhaps the most important. If you want to move mountains in your business life, then you have to believe that you can do that. If you seek to get the most out of your online business then this is what you need to keep in mind when building a success mindset. SEO Link Building is never easy. It takes time to understand how SEO works and how linkbuilding helps you both positively and negatively.

Very many inexperienced marketers start out, have no success and then quickly move on to something else - not the way to do it. Do what other successful business people do - use the corny but effective must-do-tasks list and abide by it. You really need to have a strong sense of direction and then the discipline to stay on course. We tend to think the advantages of this approach are intuitively obvious since you will be doing the tasks that are needed to move a little closer to your goals. Not only will you get more done and know where you are going, but you will get more motivated as a natural result of it.

But how does being organized relate to having a success mindset? Proper and efficient organization in business is something that will aid you in developing this kind of mindset we have talked about.

When you're building an Internet business, you want your passion and enthusiasm to reflect in your work. You understand what it is like to do something you totally want to avoid; the same principle applies to your business. If you discover that you are artificially getting your self psyched-up to work, then that is not a positive sign. Keep your focus on the practical side of things and work on taking more concrete action. In the matter of expectations, we will tell you to expect as much from your self as you can so you can live up to them. If you're just starting out with your Internet business, you may be highly enthusiastic, but as time goes by this may go down - so always try to keep it balanced.

One other area that tends to trip-up so many newer people is they are going for the instant riches or instant fabulous income - recipe for failure. Generally speaking, no matter what you do it is necessary to learn about it, and then you have to become proficient with it - all that takes time. Those who are gullible tend to be people who are new, or they have a habit of buying into the dream or hope. Also, there are times after you have seen quite enough that you just click away because you know it is just another game. We are convinced there are people who are naturally gullible, impatient and a bit lazy, and maybe that is what keeps all those products in business.

You can work on developing your positive and effective mindset right along with everything else you are working on, business wise. People who wait until tomorrow will always be waiting until tomorrow, and they never get anything done - but that is not you.

seo link building, link building, seo link building service, seo link building services, computers

Steel Buildings Have Many Applications

Steel buildings can be used in many different ways by lots of people. They have residential and commercial applications of all kinds. Research the different styles available by going online, where companies in your region will post images of how your product could look.

Although your building has a practical purpose, the shape could be visually pleasing too. Choose a peaked-roof or a rounded style which makes your building look like a long metal tube. Some products are shaped like one quarter of a circle with an open front and a rounded back. Others resemble half of a giant, silver steel pipe. If there is not a design on the market that is right for you, ask to have one custom-made to exactly the dimensions you need.

There are no foundations needed to erect a steel building, just a clear flat surface, so it can be put-up in a single day. You do not need a team of contractors to do the work. Get the work done with just a few friends or colleagues. Check that your product comes with a guarantee against rust for more than twenty years and it could last until you retire.

These are the sorts of out-buildings one frequently sees on farms and outside estates with considerable acreage. Home owners use them as sheds for their gardening equipment, skis, sleds, and snowboards. Park your engine-driven equipment here too such as a ride-on mower, ATV, and a snowmobile.

The customer must install any other furnishing he wants separately, such as shelves and tables. Doors, windows, and lighting will be built-in. Although metal is traditionally a silver or gray color, other finishes are available. Select a blue, white, or wood finish that will match the color of the siding on your home or commercial building.

Instead of constructing a carport on your own using wood and concrete, order a basic product that will fit easily on a space next to your home or just a short way away from the house. This can be compact enough to cover a single vehicle. Purchase one which will protect two cars against various kinds of weather if this is what you need and there is room on your property. Protect your belongings fully by ordering a garage rather than a carport. There could be room for two or more vehicles. Park a truck and a boat inside the spacious building or order a smaller product which will keep your motorcycles safe. Height and width are just two considerations. Depth is another thing to think about, and your metal structure can stretch back if there is enough space on your estate. This can be really useful if your property is long and narrow but not very wide, or if the item to be parked inside is a long bus or luxury motor home.

Park your motorcycle and scooter here, or place this building somewhere that gives you a bit more room. Select a fully-enclosed garage which will protect vehicles, a boat, and ATVs. Order a building with the dimensions to adequately store your belongings. The consumer indicates the width and height he needs, but also the depth he requires. An extra-long building would be an ideal location to park a limousine or to carve a long totem pole.

These steel buildings are available online, so explore various websites. You could find a good deal if manufacturers are moving-out discontinued stock to make room for their new designs. These websites provide information about shipping and warranty while also answering frequently-asked questions about their structures. Look online for testimonials from happy customers and to see images of how they used these buildings to store their vehicles, farm equipment, and even airplanes.

steel, business, construction, improvement, renovation, economy, finance, management, advice, home, family, society, computers, internet, technology, computers

Utilizing The Asterisk Phone Systems

Utilizing The Asterisk Phone SystemsUtilizing The Asterisk Phone Systems. Fast, cheap and effective communication is essential for any business. Asterisk phone systems utilize the communicative powers of the internet to combine with a business managed land-line. Companies will generally choose this option because it provides a lower cost alternative while giving them the flexibility to manage their telephone lines as they wish without relying on external telephone companies.

Voice Over Internet Protocol or VoIP as it is commonly known is a piece of software that allows people to speak to each other over the internet similar to making a call using a telephone. Unlike normal calls however this allows for much cheaper communication to people all over the world using an internet connection, which is fast becoming just as reliable as a regular land-line.

Private Branch Exchange is the term given to the practice used by companies to take control of their own landlines. Many companies find it easier and more convenient to manage their own landlines rather than rely on external providers. This gives greater control over everyday business and if anything goes wrong then the company can quickly seek to rectify it themselves rather than wait the service provider to send out an engineer.

Normally when a company decides to implement PBX across their business they will do so using their usual landlines which means the same sometimes expensive costs. Now though, with the availability of VoIP it is possible to run everything through the internet which makes for low communication costs all-round. This allows the company to have more independence, is convenient and cheaper.

Asterisk phone systems Vancouver help to facilitate the process of combining PBX with VoIP quickly and easily. They also help to remove a business reliability on external companies to provide them with consistent communication equipment. This can be especially important if a particular business relies heavily on this type of communication for its day to day functions.

Specialist consultants are provided to discuss a business's individual needs and engineers can set about installing everything to the required standards. Depending on the size of a company the owner may feel it is a better idea to have in-house staff carry out the job which will obviously cost less. In many cases this may be riskier and possibly take longer than necessary.

In the last few years there has been a lot of money spent on improving internet services. As the telephone lines begin to age and become unreliable it seems that communication via internet calls may be a more popular choice. In addition to that the internet offers a much cheaper for of communication to places all over the world which makes it very attractive to companies large and small.

Asterisk phone systems have been designed to offer a convenient way to implement and manage communication which involves the use of the internet. Utilizing these systems can generally lead to more effective and cheap communication as well as overall productivity. Because effective communication is a main priority for many businesses this is likely to be something that becomes very popular in the future.

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Komunikasi yang cepat, murah dan efektif adalah penting untuk setiap bisnis. Sistem telepon Asterisk memanfaatkan kekuatan komunikatif internet untuk menggabungkan dengan bisnis yang dikelola tanah-line. Perusahaan biasanya akan memilih opsi ini karena memberikan alternatif biaya rendah sementara memberi mereka fleksibilitas untuk mengelola saluran telepon mereka seperti yang mereka inginkan tanpa bergantung pada perusahaan telepon eksternal.

Voice Over Internet Protocol atau VoIP seperti yang umum dikenal adalah software yang memungkinkan orang untuk berbicara satu sama lain melalui internet mirip dengan membuat panggilan menggunakan telepon. Tidak seperti panggilan normal namun hal ini memungkinkan untuk komunikasi jauh lebih murah untuk orang di seluruh dunia menggunakan koneksi internet, yang cepat menjadi hanya dapat diandalkan seperti biasa tanah-line.

Private Branch Exchange adalah istilah yang diberikan untuk praktek digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengontrol sambungan telepon rumah mereka sendiri. Banyak perusahaan merasa lebih mudah dan lebih nyaman untuk mengelola sambungan telepon rumah mereka sendiri daripada bergantung pada penyedia layanan eksternal. Hal ini memberikan kontrol yang lebih besar bisnis sehari-hari dan jika ada yang tidak beres maka perusahaan dapat dengan cepat berusaha untuk memperbaiki sendiri ketimbang menunggu penyedia layanan untuk mengirimkan seorang insinyur.

Biasanya ketika perusahaan memutuskan untuk menerapkan PBX seluruh bisnis mereka, mereka akan melakukannya dengan menggunakan sambungan telepon biasa mereka yang berarti kadang-kadang biaya mahal yang sama. Namun sekarang, dengan ketersediaan VoIP adalah mungkin untuk menjalankan segala sesuatu melalui internet yang membuat untuk biaya komunikasi yang rendah sepanjang-. Hal ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memiliki kemerdekaan lebih, nyaman dan murah.

Asterisk sistem telepon Vancouver membantu memfasilitasi proses menggabungkan VoIP PBX dengan cepat dan mudah. Mereka juga membantu untuk menghapus kehandalan bisnis pada perusahaan eksternal untuk menyediakan mereka dengan peralatan komunikasi yang konsisten. Ini bisa terutama penting jika suatu bisnis tertentu bergantung pada jenis komunikasi untuk hari ke hari fungsi.

Spesialis konsultan disediakan untuk membahas kebutuhan individual bisnis dan insinyur dapat mengatur tentang menginstal semuanya ke standar yang dibutuhkan. Tergantung pada ukuran perusahaan pemilik mungkin merasa itu adalah ide yang lebih baik untuk memiliki staf di-rumah melaksanakan pekerjaan yang jelas akan biaya kurang. Dalam banyak kasus hal ini dapat berisiko dan mungkin memakan waktu lebih lama dari yang diperlukan.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah banyak uang dihabiskan untuk meningkatkan layanan internet. Sebagai saluran telepon mulai usia dan menjadi tidak dapat diandalkan tampaknya bahwa komunikasi melalui panggilan internet mungkin pilihan yang lebih populer. Selain itu internet menawarkan lebih murah untuk komunikasi ke tempat-tempat di seluruh dunia yang membuatnya sangat menarik bagi perusahaan-perusahaan besar dan kecil.

Sistem telepon Asterisk telah dirancang untuk menawarkan cara yang nyaman untuk menerapkan dan mengelola komunikasi yang melibatkan penggunaan internet. Memanfaatkan sistem ini umumnya dapat menyebabkan komunikasi yang lebih efektif dan murah serta produktivitas secara keseluruhan. Karena komunikasi yang efektif adalah prioritas utama bagi banyak perusahaan ini mungkin sesuatu yang menjadi sangat populer di masa depan.

Overcome The Secret Of The Kindle Electronic Readers Low Energy Consumption

Overcome The Secret Of The Kindle Electronic Readers Low Energy ConsumptionOvercome The Secret Of The Kindle Electronic Readers Low Energy Consumption. Overcome The Secret Of The Kindle Electronic Readers Low Energy Consumption

The fantastic Amazon Kindle electronic reader is well known and feted for its electronic ink Pearl technology that makes the words on the screen of the device appear much like conventional type on a paper page.

Because of this leading edge technology, the Kindle has awfully low power usage and ensuing long battery lifespan.

The only actual disadvantage of this ground breaking technology is that the device can be tough to read in dim light conditions. Older eyes especially could find this to be an issue as they require more lighting to read easily.

The answer to the issue due to what is otherwise a superb feature and selling point is the Kindle lighted cover.

With a Kindle lighted cover you have two accessories for your beloved electronic reader in one. A really nice looking and highly protective cover will make toting your device simpler and make it less susceptible to damage, and the LED light will permit you to read in darker or even dark environments.

You have got the option of two different types of lighted covers for your Kindle. One is the most well liked leather cover that includes an LED light that tucks out of sight for storage yet is simple to get out when you want to use it.

But that isn't the best part. What most users actually adore about the premium Kindle lighted cover is it is powered by the Kindle itself; no batteries to worry about, replace or have to carry spares. Since the light is LED, the power draw on the Kindle battery is reasonably low.

Naturally there are more selections too.

Other lighted Kindle covers that sell for a little less are equally as protective and classy, yet they give you the choice of an LED light that draws power from batteries if you don't like the concept of the light being powered by the Kindle or need to save a little cash.

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Mengatasi Rahasia Of The Kindle Konsumsi Rendah Pembaca Elektronik

Amazon Kindle fantastis elektronik pembaca dikenal dan dipestakan untuk tinta elektronik teknologi Pearl yang membuat kata-kata di layar perangkat muncul seperti jenis konvensional pada halaman kertas.

Karena ini teknologi mutakhir, Kindle memiliki penggunaan daya sangat rendah dan umur baterai panjang berikutnya.

Kerugian hanya sebenarnya teknologi ini melanggar tanah adalah bahwa perangkat dapat sulit untuk dibaca dalam kondisi cahaya redup. Mata tua terutama bisa menemukan ini menjadi masalah karena mereka membutuhkan pencahayaan yang lebih gampang dibaca.

Jawaban untuk masalah karena apa yang dinyatakan fitur luar biasa dan titik penjualan adalah penutup Kindle terang.

Dengan penutup Kindle terang Anda memiliki dua aksesori untuk pembaca tercinta elektronik Anda dalam satu. Sebuah terlihat sangat bagus dan mencakup sangat protektif akan membuat Anda lebih sederhana yang membawa perangkat dan membuatnya kurang rentan terhadap kerusakan, dan lampu LED akan memungkinkan Anda untuk membaca di lingkungan gelap atau bahkan gelap.

Anda punya pilihan untuk dua jenis meliputi terang untuk Kindle Anda. Salah satunya adalah penutup kulit yang paling disukai yang mencakup lampu LED yang melipat keluar dari pandangan untuk penyimpanan namun sederhana untuk keluar bila Anda ingin menggunakannya.

Tapi itu bukan bagian yang terbaik. Apa pengguna paling benar-benar memuja tentang penutup Kindle premium terang itu didukung oleh Kindle sendiri, tidak ada baterai untuk khawatir, mengganti atau harus membawa suku cadang. Karena cahaya LED, menarik listrik pada baterai Kindle adalah cukup rendah.

Tentu ada pilihan yang lebih juga.

Kindle menyala lain mencakup yang menjual untuk sedikit kurang sama-sama sebagai pelindung dan berkelas, namun mereka memberikan pilihan dari sebuah lampu LED yang menarik daya dari baterai jika Anda tidak seperti konsep cahaya yang didukung oleh Kindle atau perlu untuk menyimpan sedikit uang tunai.

Notes : Sobat, maaf bahasa postingannya translit nih, jadi agak kacau, karena dapet kiriman artikel gratis dari orang bule (sebenernya job review tuh bule,,wkwk) dan kebetulan blogger katro jarang update, jadi aku pasang disini aja artikel nya, hehe,,harap maklum dengan bahasanya, mohon dicerna sendiri,,wkwkwk,,

Tag : kindle lighted cover, waterproof kindle cover, electronic reader, lighted kindle cover, computers

Cara Memilih Printer

Cara Pilih PrinterCara Memilih Printer. Mencari keunggulan kompetitif tetap menjaga biaya rendah dan tinggi pertumbuhan bukan termudah tugas tetapi dengan alat-alat baru yang telah dikembangkan di generasi ini, sudah pasti jauh lebih mudah untuk maju daripada dulu. Bahkan hal-hal seperti printer dapat mengeja perbedaan antara keberhasilan dan kegagalan.

Perangkat ini mungkin tidak mendapatkan kredit sebanyak atau pertimbangan sebagaimana layak yang merupakan rasa malu karena memiliki banyak fitur yang dapat membuat perbedaan besar. Ketika memilih model yang tepat, itu sangat penting untuk mempertimbangkan ukuran, metode pencetakan, fitur tambahan dan harga produk.

Jenis perangkat harus sesuai dengan bisnis tersebut. Sebagai contoh, tidak akan masuk akal untuk usaha kecil atau pemilik rumah untuk berinvestasi dalam model volume tinggi industri. Begitu pula tidaklah menjadi ide yang baik untuk beberapa pabrik puas dengan perangkat pribadi atau model desktop yang tidak akan mampu bersaing dengan laju produksi.

Ada banyak metode yang berbeda untuk mencetak informasi penting pada produk. Jika produk Anda memerlukan sesuatu yang akan tahan bahkan jika tergores atau terkena bahan kimia korosif, maka Anda mungkin akan ingin untuk mempertimbangkan model yang menangani lilin atau resin cetak. Jika Anda perlu sesuatu yang cepat dan murah yang tidak perlu berlangsung lama, kemudian cobalah mencetak termal langsung.

Y0u mungkin ingin untuk sesuatu yang akan pergi agak luar printer rata-rata. Beberapa model dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa komputer atau periferal tambahan. Lainnya telah disesuaikan untuk mencetak dan encode sebagai pembaca RFID.

Selalu ada sejumlah gentar ketika memilih sesuatu dengan fitur yang besar yang juga pas dengan anggaran yang ditetapkan. Tapi apa pun kendala biaya atau masalah kualitas, pasti ada model cocok untuk setiap bisnis.

Printer mungkin tidak akan merevolusi industri, tetapi semua orang perlu satu dan ada banyak inovasi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang membuat mereka investasi yang sangat baik. Dengan metode ukuran, harga, fungsi dan pencetakan yang tepat, dapat menjadi aset yang nyata untuk perusahaan Anda.

Notes : Sobat, maaf bahasa postingannya translit nih, jadi agak kacau, karena dapet kiriman artikel gratis dari orang bule, dan kebetulan blogger katro jarang update, jadi aku pasang disini aja artikel nya, hehe,,harap maklum dengan bahasanya, mohon dicerna sendiri,,wkwkwk,,,

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Small Business Web Design - The Best Format To Choose

Small Business Web Design plays an integral part of a new business that is in start up phase. Many companies offer free hosting but their product and service may not suit what you need. This is a decision you need make. You may be able to design the site yourself or you may need outside assistance. Whatever you decide to do, there are a number of things of which you need to be aware.

When people visit your site, they should immediately know who you are and what the nature of your business is. One way to do this is to have an attention grabbing heading on your front page of the website. The company logo should be situated on the top left hand corner. Make sure the contact us button is easily visible. Here you should have a contact us form, your email and your phone number and fax number.

Mission and vision statements are all very touching and nice, however your visitor is there to get a problem solved. He or she wants to know if you can do this and what it will cost him. They want to spend as little time on your website as possible. Prices on your website will save the visitor from having to phone in to get this information. Browse some of your oppositions websites and see what they do not have on their sites. If the missing information is relevant then add it to your web site.

Easy navigation is key. Many people want to access information they want in a single click. If your site is too comprehensive, add a search box. Be sure to title your pages properly and appropriately. Unique titles and keyword phrases will make for great ad copy.

Stick to clean and clear designs with no more than three different fonts. Use a maximum of three different colors. It is very hard to use more than that and make the site look neat. The right balance between graphics and text should be maintained. Search engines cannot determine the relevancy of a website with little to no text. Pictures do speak a thousand words, but you should have at least 250 words of text that is relevant to your business. Avoid using too many bold and italic fonts.

When you add photos to your site, size them properly using the appropriate software. Do not use the cursor at the corners of the photo to decrease the size of the photo, as it will look smaller, but still take a lot of time to load in a browser. The same goes for flash sites. Many people, who are searching the web for something specific, know that flash is just that. It is all about looking impressive and rarely offer any useful information. Therefore, they simply click along to the other search results and give your site a miss. Rather stick to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is the favored format of search engines. Text navigation is also preferable to JavaScript.

If your site is going to contain news then keep the news current. Old news will not encourage visitors to stay long on your site. If you do not plan to update the news each week then rather not have a news page on your website.

Peruse the sites that you are prepared to buy from and then copy the layout, font and formatting that they have. If this still leaves you all at sea then rather second someone who understands Small Business Web Design.

Cara Hack / Hacking Email dan Password Hanya dengan Mozilla

Cara Hack Email dan Password dari Warnet (Warung Internet)

Pelajaran Blog - Download Free Email Password Hacking Software, Email Password.

Kadang bermain di internet komputer public,warnet misalnya,kita kurang memperhatikan segi keamanan dan hanya memperhatikan segi kenyamanannya,tinggal main,bayar dan langsung pulang.

Tapi tahukah sobat,pemilik warnet seperti halnya manusia biasa,ada yang menjaga privacy pelanggannya namun banyak juga yang justru memanfaatkan pelanggan sebagai 'mangsa' yang wenak.

Adalah cookies yang mampu menyimpan data,mulai dari history dan bahkan email dan password yang ditinggalkan oleh pelanggan sebuah warnet.

Mengapa saya mengambil judul Cara Hack / Hacking Email dan Password Hanya dengan Mozilla?

Yup,agar terkesan menarik dan tentu menarik pengunjung tentunya,khan biar seo friendly,hehehehe

Eit's jangan lari dulu gan,ni saya kasih contoh cara Hack Email dan Password dari Warnet hanya dengan browser Mozilla :D

Pertama,buka browser mozilla di komputer warnet yang sedang sobat kunjungi,lalu klik bagian toolbar 'Tools lalu pilih 'Options' (lihat gambar 1)

Cara Jebol Password Email.

Kemudian,pilih tab 'Security' dan klik tombol 'Saved Passwords' (lihat gambar 2)


Maka,nanti akan tampil jendela windows seperti ini (ini akan bekerja jika ada beberapa pengunjung warnet yang teledor tidak sempat menghapus cookiesnya 'sebelum sobat sendiri' pent-)

Email password hacking, Hack yahoo passwords, Hacking email.

Ingin tahu passwordnya? tinggal klik 'Show Password' dan Tada!!!!!!!!

Hack Email Password for Free.

Gampang khan jadi maling tuh,hehehe makanya jangan heran sob negara ini banyak malingnya,lha kok?


Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Mexico's Father of the Nation

In part one of this series we learned about Miguel Hidalgo, a creole priest who was no ordinary Spanish priest. He studied and tried using many ideas from the Enlightenment era that was taking place in Europe. Unfortunately the Spanish Inquisition was not pleased with his outspoken questioning of the crown's authority, indeed even the authority of the Pope. After narrowly escaping execution by the Inquisition, he returned to the parish of Dolores and continued in his new-world teaching.

As Hidalgo continued to educate and train local residents in trades, they became less and less dependent on the Spanish crown. These actions were in direct contradiction to several Spanish policies, so it was only a matter of time before he and his parishioners were punished. In 1807 there began a year long drought in which Dolores suffered immensely. Instead of the Spanish merchants releasing grain to the market for residents of Dolores to purchase, they kept it in storage in hopes of selling for a higher price. He was ordered to stop residents from their activities in agriculture and industry, but he did not.

Several townspeople and farmers were arrested as being suspected of organizing a revolt against the crown, and Hidalgo believed he was next. To prevent such an event, he called on his brothers and a few armed men to force a release of the imprisoned farmers, of which 80 were rescued. His next plan was profound to say the least. The day following his sanctioned jailbreak, he held mass that was attended by all the usual parties: land owners, politicians, Spanish soldiers, civilian Spaniards, townspeople, the poor, mestizos, creoles etc.

As parishioners began to arrive, Hidalgo gave what would be the most famous of Mexican speeches, the Grito de Dolores. It was a call for every person to revolt against the Spanish crown. He imparted the townspeople to stand up and "recover the lands stolen by three hundred years ago from your forefathers by the hated Spaniards...". Four days later the Battle of Guanajuato took place, widely considered the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence. He led a group of indigenous and mestizo followers that grew to an army and fought many battles over the next year. In 1810, he declared Mexico independent from Spain.

Less than a year later, on July 27 1811 Miguel Hidalgo was officially defrocked, excommunicated, and three days later executed by firing squad. His charges were treason against the Spanish crown. The independence that he paid for with his life was not officially recognized until 1821. Although it is clear to see why the Mexican people view Miguel Hidalgo as the Father of the Nation.

Discover Why Personalized Christmas Ornament Is A Better Option

For a highly anticipated holiday, you want to make it as memorable as possible. This is the moment where gifts are exchanged, as is the usual practice. You can take it one step farther by giving a personalized Christmas ornament.

You know that this can be used every year. Eventually, it might even become a family tradition. Customizing it can be done in various ways. Without even thinking about it, it really has its benefits. Here are some of them.

They are unique. It could be quite stressful going around the store to find the perfect gift. Even with that much effort, someone somewhere is bound to get the same gift. With customizing, the person receiving it knows that there will be nothing like that somewhere else.

It shows how much then mean to you. Even if your gift is not as expensive as the other gifts, your care would still show. Something generic could spell indifference. Something specially made for them spells love and care.

It could be inexpensive. Just because it is customized does not mean you have to spend a lot on it. In fact, you might even be able to save money. When you get something like this, you have different choices on what can be done to make it match someone's character or personality.

When you go out shopping for the perfect gift, it does not have to be stressful. You should not pressure yourself into buying something really expensive to impress someone. You could still impress someone with less money. Be creative in figuring out how to give gifts.

For a highly anticipated holiday, giving a personalized Christmas ornament to someone you care for is better. It is better in plenty of ways. Not only will this be something that they will like, but this will also be something they would remember you by. Read more about: personalized christmas ornament